Command List & Functions
Below is a comprehensive list of all available commands and their functions. If you need further assistance or have questions about any command, feel free to ask a staff member.
| Basic Commands |
/rtp – Teleports you randomly within a 1000-1500 block radius from the world spawn.
/spawn – Teleports you to the spawn location of the world.
/hub – Teleports you to the main world spawn.
/discord – Provides a link to the server's Discord community.
/playtime [player] – Displays the playtime information of the specified player.
/reward – Grants crate keys every 12 hours.
/warp shop – Teleports you to the shop.
/warp mine – Teleports you to the mining world.
| Economy Commands |
/pay [player] [amount] – Sends the specified amount of money to another player.
/money top – Displays the top 10 richest players on the server.
/pay toggle – Enables or disables receiving payments from other players.
/money voucher create [amount] – Creates a money voucher item for the specified amount.
/bankp - Opens your bank account
/money voucher create [amount] - Create a physical item of a certain amount of money
| Home Commands |
/sethome [home_name] – Sets a home at your current location with a specified name.
/home [home_name] – Teleports you to the specified home location.
/delhome [home_name] – Deletes a specified home.
/homes – Lists all of your saved home locations.
| Bounty Commands |
/bounty – Opens the bounty interface to manage bounties.
/bounty check [player] – Checks the bounty on a specific player.
/bounty list – Lists all active bounties on the server.
/bounty stat (all/kills/claimed/deaths/set/immunity) – Views your bounty statistics.
/bounty stat (all/kills/claimed/deaths/set/immunity) [player] – Views the bounty stats of another player.
/bounty [player] [amount] – Sets a bounty on the specified player for the given amount.
/bounty set – Opens the interface to set a bounty on a player.
/bounty top – Displays the players with the highest bounties on the server.
| Clan Commands |
/clan create <name> – Creates a new clan if you are not already in one.
/clan disband – Disbands your clan (only for clan owners).
/clan leave – Removes you from your current clan.
/clan invite <player> – Invites a player to your clan if they are not already in one.
/clan join – Joins the clan you’ve been invited to.
/clan kick <player> – Kicks a player from your clan.
/clan info – Displays information about your current clan.
/clan list – Lists all the clans on the server.
/clan prefix <prefix> – Changes your clan’s chat prefix.
/clan ally [add|remove] <ally-owner> – Adds or removes an allied clan.
/clan enemy [add|remove] <enemy-owner> – Adds or removes an enemy clan.
/clan pvp – Toggles friendly fire within your clan.
/clan [sethome|delhome|home] – Sets, deletes, or teleports to a clan home location.
/clan transfer <player> – Transfers ownership of your clan to another player.
/clanchat <message> – Sends a message to only the members of your clan.
| Job Commands |
/jobs gtop/top – Displays the global leaderboard for jobs in the scoreboard or chat.
/jobs info [jobname] – Provides information about the specified job.
/jobs join [jobname] – Joins the specified job.
/jobs quests – Displays the available quests for your job.
/jobs browse – Lists all available jobs via GUI or chat.
/jobs leave [jobname] – Leaves the specified job.
/jobs leaveall – Leaves all current jobs.
/jobs points [player] – Displays the job points of the specified player.
/level – Displays your current job level.
/jobs stats [player] – Displays the job statistics of the specified player.
| Custom Enchants Commands |
/eechants help – Displays a list of all available custom enchantment commands.
/eechants list – Opens a GUI showing the available custom enchantments.
| Paid Ranks Commands |
/nick set <name> - Nicks yourself
/nick reset - Reset your Nicks
/craft - Opens a crafting table
/ec OR /enderchest - Opens your enderchest
/smelt - Smelt the item your holding
/joinmessage OR /jm [set/reset] [join/leave] {message} - Set your custom join/leave message
/deathmessage OR /dm [set/reset] {message} - Set your custom death message
/pp - Opens the gui of the custom particles
/pp group [save/remove/load/unload] <name> - Manage your cutom particles groups
/pp help - Explain every commands
/disguise or /dis {mobname} - Disguise you into a specified mob
/undisguise or /undis - Undisguise you
| Report Commands |
/report - Opens the report gui
/report {playername} {reason} - Report a player directly without the gui
/report bug {reason} - Report a bug directly without the gui
| Trade System Commands |
/Trade <playername> - Initiate trade requests
/Trade [accept/deny/toggle] - Manage your trade settings
| Bedrock Only Special Commands |
/geyser offhand - Put the item your holding in your offhand
This list provides you with essential commands to enhance your gameplay experience. For any further assistance or clarification, feel free to reach out to a staff member. Enjoy your time on the server!
Last updated